PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW AD SIZES FOR 2025! HERE > To advertise on, click here

Classified Ads:

There are 2 types of classified ads: business & personal. Classified ad width is 32 characters (letter, space or punctuation) per line.

Info for Classifieds:

We offer 2 types of classified ads: business or personal.
Paid classified deadline 10:30 am on Tuesdays.
 Personal ads are free of charge only if submitted between Wednesday 9 am and Friday 11 am and are limited to 3 lines, 32 characters a line. Total of 96 characters, punctuation, and spaces.
Free ads are space permitting, and not guaranteed to go in.

What is considered a free classified ad?

• Merchandise or apparel for sale (as long as you are not a business)
• Real Estate – for sale or rent, (as long as you are not a realtor)
• Gemach, Lost & Found, Leshem Mitzvah.
• Seeking a job.

In addition, all classified ads are placed on as a free service to the community. Please visit:

Classified Rates

One week
x5 Weeks
x12 Weeks
x26 Weeks
x50 Weeks
The Torah Times Website for FREE postings of jobs, real estate (rentals & sales), merchandise, free giveaways, lost & found, simchas etc.

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